Sunday, March 13, 2011


 Tips For How To Flip A Mattress 

Flipping your mattress is actually an old term, used when all mattresses were the same on the top and bottom sides.

In the olden days to make sure your mattress lasted for as long as possible you would flip it over, and also rotate it at the same time (where you started laying on the opposite side as before by turning it from head to toe), to ensure even aging.

You still need to do this today for many mattresses, but if you have a pillow top mattress that only has this on one side, you don't flip your mattress anymore, but just rotate or turn it only. Any mattresses that are designed to be layed on, on both sides, still need to be flipped over, along with turning it.

Many mattress, especially double or larger ones, are quite heavy, so get someone to help you if you need it. Definitely don't try to tackle it on your own and hurt yourself in the process.

It is optimal to turn you mattress 2-4 times a year, at regular intervals.  Get in the habit of doing it on SPRING FORWARD and FALL BACK days! (Always read the instructions on your actual mattress though, and follow the directions given for your exact brand and model.) I suggest during spring cleaning, fall cleaning and two other times during the year in between these times.

While you are already dealing with your mattresses it is also a great time to vacuum your mattress, and wash all the bedding, including dust ruffles, decorative pillows and pillowcases, and mattress covers.

Also, if it is a sunny day, and you have a strong helper, dragging your mattress outside to sun for a couple of hours can really help air it out and kill dust mites. (Just make sure to place it in a clean dry location, and don't let it get wet.)

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