Monday, March 28, 2011

A household tip for you...

Slow Draining Sink - Here's a Tip!

clipart of house holding hammerWe’ve all read various remedies and household fixes for those basic repairs around the home. Seldom do we opt to try them ourselves. Recently in our household we had an issue with a slow draining sink. One day while out taking care of the grocery shopping, I recalled a helpful hint that vinegar and baking soda could be used to help resolve a slow draining sink. Another benefit to this remedy is that it is not harmful to the plumbing or the environment.

Here’s how it works: Pour some baking soda directly onto the drain. Pour vinegar so that it will run to the drain covering the baking soda. When the vinegar comes into contact with the baking soda it will foam. Apply more vinegar each time the foaming stops until all the baking soda appears to be washed down the drain. Next flush the drain with hot water.

A stubborn drain may require more than one application or a small object may be needed to help remove loosened debris from the drain.

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